We took a midnight flight from Phnom Penh, Cambodia to Tokyo, Japan with a layover in Shanghai, China. There was one point I was so tired my eyes stung! The city is packed with buildings and people, and it’s remarkably clean and unbelievably safe. We discovered it’s the Japanese holiday Obon; therefore, many Japanese take the week to vacation. We stayed two nights in Tokyo waiting for our Japan Rail Pass to ship from a Barcelona travel agency. I might write a blog solely explaining the overly complicated process of the JR Pass. Because of the holiday, it took five trains transfers to reach our next destination of Niseko, Hokkaido. Due to the lack of English translations, folks who speak English, vegetarian options, and complicated bureaucratic processes, we’ve found Japan more difficult to navigate than the previous four countries we’ve visited. Luckily, we’ve made almost daily connections with people making the experience feel intimate and welcoming.
More pictures here.
