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Friendly and Fun Rome, Italy

Our family travels took us to Rome, and we all loved it. Mia was sick with a cold one day, so Patchen and Nikole got to see the Trevi Fountain, Basilica di Santa Maria, Parthenon, Spanish Stairs, Piazza de Novana, and of course had some gelato. The next few days with Mia, we visited a cat sanctuary, which is part of Largo di Torre Argentina ruins, the Vatican, Colosseum, and stopped at a restaurant with outdoor seating for an authentic Roman lunch of pasta, pizza and tiramisu.

As Patchen and I wandered through Rome, we were surprised by the number of people during the off-season. It was difficult to get a picture of the Trevi Fountain due to the hordes, and we couldn't imagine what it's like in peak season.

Rome was one of those places where I felt like everywhere I looked there was something worth photographing. For example, we were walking along the streets and a random building had ornate sculptures around the windows, or looking down a street there was a building that looked important due to its decor, or even doors with decorative door knockers. Rome was anything but ordinary.

Then there were the touristy places that didn't disappoint like Saint Peter's Basilica, the Vatican, the Colosseum, and Trevi Fountain. I was blown away in the Vatican to see an ancient Egyptian stone tablet with hieroglyphics that was over 4500 years old. The history and depth of Rome was stunning, and there was a warmth to Rome that many big cities lack.

More pics here.

Trevi Fountain
Trevi Fountain



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